Tracking By Ocens


Friday, May 14, 2010

Holy Bow Batman

Last Tuesday I arrived at the boat to find the bow had been opened like a can of caviar. I would have enjoyed the caviar more. The holes in the keel had been also cut out. the welder was hitting the bow with a hammer and at some point it went through, the steel was rusted from the anchor
line. Every time I anchored it brought saltwater into the chain locker, which soaked the foam insulation, which rusted the hull. It took 27 years. It will be replaced with thicker steel. 6mm verses 3.5mm. And the interior structure will be beefed up. I am tiring to figure a way to make a pan to capture the saltwater and divert it to the bilge. Yesterday I went to view the volcano and all I could see was the ash cloud rising thousands of feet into the atmosphere. I plan on returning on Sunday when it is dark to view the fire blowing out of it. It is throwing rocks the size of cars out. The boat was moved into a very large shed today and I will be posting a video of the move in the next day or so.

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