Tracking By Ocens


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Home At Last

Yes I'm home, on my boat. It's fantastic to be back in Iceland. The weather is overcast, temps in the 50s. The engine is not ready due to a problem getting parts from Singapore. Yes Singapore!!!!
You would think they could get them some place closer. Anyway it should be ready next week, I hope. The bottom of the boat was pressure washed today, now I have to sand and grind the rusted spots. Then Paint them and apply the anti fouling paint, next week. I am also keeping an eye on the volcano as I want to photograph it at some point. Then there is Propane. My last tank is low so the hunt was on today for Propane. I was under the impression that European tanks were a different thread than US tanks, not. I was able to exchange my tank for theirs. A very big worry solved. I will have an 8-10 month supply when I leave.
Thanks to all who gave me your well wishes, You are ever in my thoughts.

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